
The TEMPI ACTIVE® Posture Brace is a functional training device designed for adults.

Horse sports are dangerous. Never wear your TEMPI ACTIVE® Posture Brace under a Back/Body Protector. Never use your Posture Brace in circumstances you would usually wear a Back/Body Protector. Never sleep in your Posture Brace.

The Posture Program has been designed for beginner level exercise.
Start SLOW increasing the repetitions as you become more confident. STOP immediately if you feel any pain. Training Loop - always check your fitness band for wear and tear before you begin your workout. If you have a pre-existing injury consult a health professional before wearing the TEMPI ACTIVE® Posture Brace and beginning the Posture Program.

The exercises provided by TEMPI ACTIVE® Posture Program are not to be interpreted as a recommendation or specific treatment plan, product or course of action above and beyond advice provided by your own treating health professional. Exercise is not without its risk. To reduce the risk of injury please consult a healthcare provider for personal exercise prescription and safety precautions.

The exercise and advice presented by TEMPI ACTIVE® are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. TEMPI ACTIVE® disclaims any liability from and in connection with this program. If at any point during this program you feel any physical discomfort, faint or dizzy STOP immediately and consult a healthcare provider.